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Using Pragma's Optimistic Oracle

Under Development

This feature is currently under development. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.

Getting Started

To begin, you can find the interface to interact with our contracts here.



  • escalation_manager_settings: A structure containing the escalation manager settings.
  • asserter: Address of the asserter.
  • assertion_time: Time of the assertion.
  • settled: True if the request is settled.
  • currency: ERC20 token used to pay rewards and fees.
  • expiration_time: Unix timestamp marking the threshold when the assertion can no longer be disputed.
  • settlement_resolution: Resolution of the assertion (false until resolved).
  • domain_id: Optional domain that can be used to relate the assertion to others in the escalation_manager.
  • identifier: DVM identifier to use for price requests in the event of a dispute.
  • bond: Amount of currency that the asserter has bonded.
  • callback_recipient: Address that receives the callback.
  • disputer: Address of the disputer.



Asserts a truth about the world, using the default currency and liveness (stored in the contract). The currency is the bond currency sent to the contract and held in escrow until the assertion is resolved. The liveness is the time allowed to dispute an assertion. It will be resolved at the end of this time. For this function to work, the caller is expected to provide a bond of final_fee/burned_bond_percentage of the default currency. You can get the minimum bond by calling get_minimum_bond(default_currency) to retrieve the value.

  • claim: The truth being asserted.
  • asserter: The account that will receive the bond at settlement time. Can be the caller of this function or another desired account.
  • assertion_id: A unique identifier for this assertion.


If you don't want to use the default stored configuration, you can call assert_truth and specify the entire desired configuration. As in the previous function, the caller must approve this contract to spend at least the bond amount in the provided currency.

  • claim: The truth claim being asserted.
  • asserter: The account that will receive the bond at settlement time. Can be the caller of this function or another desired account.
  • callback_recipient: If configured, this address will receive a function call assertion_resolved_callback at resolution or assertion_disputed_callback at dispute. The recipient must implement these functions and not revert for the assertion not to be blocked.
  • escalation_manager: If configured, this function will control escalation properties of the assertion. The asserter can then choose to arbitrate via DVM, discard assertion on dispute, or choose to validate disputes. Must implement the same callback functions as defined in callback_recipient.
  • liveness: The time allowed to dispute an assertion; it will be resolved at the end of this time.
  • currency: Bond currency sent to the contract and held in escrow until the assertion is resolved.
  • identifier: Identifier to use for price request. For prediction market, set it to "ASSERT_TRUTH".
  • domain_id: Optional domain that can be used to relate this assertion to others in the escalationManager. Set to 0 for now.
  • assertion_id: A unique identifier for this assertion.


Resolves the assertion. If the assertion has not been disputed, the resolution is true and the asserter receives the bond. If the assertion has been disputed, [TO BE COMPLETED].

  • assertion_id: Unique identifier for the assertion to resolve.


Settles the assertion and returns the result.

  • assertion_id: Unique identifier for the assertion to resolve.
  • resolution_result: A boolean indicating the resolution of the assertion.


Fetches the resolution of a specific assertion and returns it. If the assertion has not been settled, it reverts.

  • assertion_id: Unique identifier for the assertion to fetch.
  • resolution_result: A boolean indicating the resolution of the assertion.


Retrieves the specific information regarding an assertion and returns it.

  • assertion_id: Unique identifier for the assertion to fetch.
  • assertion: Information about the assertion.


Disputes an assertion. The caller must approve this contract to spend at least the bond amount of currency for the associated assertion.

  • assertion_id: Unique identifier for the assertion to dispute.
  • disputer: Receives bonds back at settlement.